To Cure
Back Pain
If you're only doing stretches and leg raises without targeting the core muscles in the spine, you'll learn the exact muscles to train in order to make real progess.
Hello, my name is Veronica Whetsel, Founder of Whetsel Physiotherapy.
I'm an Integrative Physical Therapist with over 20 years of experience specializing in spine disorders, orthopedic and sports medicine, chronic pain management and lifestyle medicine.
After suffering from my own back injuries as an athlete, going through major body changes from 3 pregnancies and childbirths, and working as a physical therapist and group fitness instructor for decades...
I experimented with dozens of natural solutions on how to get rid of my own chronic back pain- without the use of drugs, injections or surgery, by finally discovering the most effective solutions to my problem!
I have helped thousands of clients suffering with chronic pain due to their spine issues by teaching them step-by-step exactly what to do through my proven system!
"Top 5 Ways To Cure Back Pain" will introduce you to the most holistic methods that no one else is teaching!